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Friday, October 30, 2009

Is it possible to become more depressed when your sick? Driving me crazy

I need to know if anyone else goes through this or if I'm just nuttier than I thought I was. OK so when I get sick like a cold or flu, anything I swear to God I get more depressed. Now remember I'm already depressed enough and on meds for it. So why in the hell do I get worse when I'm sick. The dark, gloomy cloud absorbs me and I think I'm dying, even if I'm not. I try to talk myself out of it but I can't. Then the anxiety starts. I just wish I could be put to sleep for the whole time I get ill.
I watch others who get sick. They are just as sick, go through it, feel like hell, but dont get even worse depression. Why does this happen to me. It always has and its driving me nuts. I try to tell my family that this happens and they look at me like I'm nuts.
I always think ok I'm sick, I will just rest and will get better. My mind starts freaking out. Everything is exagerated in my mind. I know this sounds crazy but does anyone else do this????


  1. Tammy, yep, cause you git sick and tired of being, sick and tired. I know the feelin some times.

  2. i get depressed when i'm sick. you're "normal." :) i try hard not to get sick because of it.

  3. Believe me - you are normal. Anyone who is on meds for depression probably knows exactly what you are talking about. I know I do. I'm a new blogger but will be talking about this topic in the near future. At my age, I have learned a thing or two that might be helpful. If you have time, keep my blog in mind - Hugs and good thoughts, Meri

  4. Thanks bob and sarah! I ask people around me if they get more depressed and they just make me feel crazy so your comments helped.

    Meri I will check out your blog Maybe it will help although I've went through this for twenty years I'm always willing to take some advice. You should become a follower of mine also.

  5. I can only tell you how I've dealt with it - and for years too. Blogs not up yet - new blogger - but your blog really tugged at my heart. Later - Meri

  6. Just checkin in, swallowed my blog and still have the hiccups

  7. Whoops! - down again - should check my own advice - which isn't up yet - good thing! Meri

  8. lol bob; thanks for checking in. Hope you got the blog up. Damn hiccups. They say if you stand on your head and hold your breath they will go away. Try it and let me know. lol. Oh you have to drink water after you hold your breath but you still have to be standing on your head. Test it out for me. Make sure bess watches you. Never know several things could happen to you. Let me know if it works.

    Meri; what do you mean your down again? Depressed? or sick? Hope your ok....

  9. Hi - still trying to leave this for you - got in before - can't this am - this is my answer to your kind question

    -Down again, darn it! My "downs" seem to come around the full moon - I know that sounds weird but that's what I find tracking them. Does that make any sense to you? And thanks for your comment/question - it picked me up - Meri

  10. Bob are your hiccups gone?????

    Meri, well to be honest I have never thought about my depression as to what kind of moon is out. But its good that you are figuring it out. Anything helps. Everyone has different triggers. Now I'm wondering how my depression reacts to full moon, half moon, etc. I don't think it effects it cause I'm always depressed. lol. But I do know that getting sick makes me so much worse, cold weather, winter time. Those are all I can think of.

  11. Hi - the moon is just a crazy guess. I've tried to find food triggers (yeah, sugary things don't help-but give up chocolate?) I did find that my winter depressions were helped a lot with a happy light - go figure - Meri

  12. meri chocolate is supposed to help depression! Seriously. I know that I shouldn't but I dont care I swear when I go to a tanning bed and get that light I feel so much better in the winter. Might be in my mind, might actually be the light, who cares it works.
    Note to self; go to tanning bed tomorrow.

  13. i suffer with depression and have psoriasis as well but over the years i have learnt to listen to my body .soon as i get depressed i change what i am doing and bring more light into my life turn on the radio open the curtains . it does help but its hard


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