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Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Anxiety Attack

If you haven't had one then its like if you haven't had a baby; shouldn't say anything

It was my first day at a new job. I had just ate a piece of pizza for lunch. Withing a couple of seconds my chest started burning, it went up through my throat. I started sweating and in my mind at first I thought that the pizza had poisoned me. I get up and go into my boss' office. There were two of them sitting there. I told them something was wrong. That I thought I was having a heart attack! One of them started taking my pulse. He said "Your pulse is good" oh like i cared about my damn pulse. The other one took off and went to get my husband.

We were on the way to the doctor and I swear to God I can remember looking up at the sky and praying. I was asking God to take care of my kids and telling my husband things to do when I died so the kids would be taken care of. I go into the office and they put me in a room on a bed. By now my whole body was numb and I was getting ready to pass out. This nurse takes my vitals and said they were all good. I told my husband to find someone who new how to take vitals. The doctor came in and checked me out. I kept wondering what the H was wrong with them. They seemed to be moving pretty slow... Then the nurse tried to put a bag over my mouth. What the H? Great now they were trying to kill me. I couldn't really freak out because I was dying and numb and having a heart attack all at the same time!! The only blessing that came out of this day is that I found my doctor; I have went to her for the past 15 years now.

Anyway, I thought she was nuts that day too. She told me that I have severe anxiety; she asked my husband if it was necessary that i work. I thought she was quite harsh with him. I'm glad she was now cause it helped him to understand it somewhat. As much as you can when you don't have them. So got medication and went home. They completely misdiagnosed me. I was still dying. Had anxiety attacks over and over again that day. For nothing. I didn't even have to think to have one. I was laying on the couch and couldn't breathe, started tingling, went completely numb, started crying.And do you know what my husband said to me? "Breathe" yea like I'm not trying to.?

My husband took me to another emergency room. I was thinking don't worry about me or rush on my account, I'm just dying that's all. Same diagnosis. I did find it kinda weird that once i got to a hospital I felt better. We did this for days. Maybe only two seemed like a hundred. I could not stop having them. I wanted to die at this point. So I went back to the first doctor. She explained to me that I wasn't dying and that I couldn't die from these. I needed to learn how to breathe. That it was impossible to have an anxiety attack if you breathe right. And that I need to take care of myself.

I'm sorry but this is so funny to me now. I know that when you are going through them its the most horrifying thing in the world and not funny at all. And I will still have them if I'm not careful. I just had one yesterday; I though my nephew took off out of my fence, I couldn't find him, felt myself going numb and remembered to breathe as i was running and screaming his name. oh, he was hiding in my daughters closet. lol. They are truly the worst thing I think I've experienced. Still on meds for them.

So lesson I've learned BREATHE , LAUGH ABOUT IT OR CRY WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO; YOU CANT DIE FROM ANXIETY ATTACKS; 5 OPINIONS COSTS ALLOT OF MONEY; nurses aren't trying to kill you when they put a bag over your mouth.


  1. im not sure if. well i just freak out on the inside, is that freak in, am I freakin nuts :D
    just try and think a happy thought ,)

  2. ok I will try to let out enough anger and emotion for both of us. lol.

  3. Hey, you describe my attacks too. Mine have mostly come at night when I am sleeping. Imagine waking up to one of those. Like you I can feel them coming on and know better what to do to head it off.
    Good luck in your travels with this.

  4. I've never had an anxiety attack and from your description I am glad!


  5. I like to make people laff and relax, but anxiety
    attacks are not funny. If you read my blog about, the accident that changed it all, you would know what happened to me. After the acc. i went through periods of deep depression coumpounded by these attacks.

  6. so when i was talking about my first one did you laugh? cause after years it is kinda funny. not when others are having them now but just how you react and then look back at them. Im going to yours right now; i havent went that far back.

  7. ok bob im going to have to admit something. ive been telling people all morning how they have to breathe. So you will get a kick out of this. I'm reading your story and writing on your comments, feel my lips going numb, start tingling, wonder what the hell is wrong. And I was holding my breathe clear through your story about the accident and through the comment section. lol. threw myself into my own anxiety attack. and all for you bob. feel better. lol. dont worry about me i'm ok. hyperventelating by ok. damn i hate it when i do that.

  8. you are a doll, but this made me cry

  9. I had these for 3 years, after being given anesthesia. I thought I was dying, each time it happened. I was told to run in place or get my heart rate up each time it began happening. Well, that wasn't always an answer considering I could barely breathe. I started figuring out what triggered these episodes. First of all anesthesia brought it on, blood thinners or any med that slowed down my heart rate including Ibuprofen, Antihistamines, sleep aids..all were contributing to these episodes as well as Vodka (sparingly). Another thing was atmospheric changes where the humidity suddenly was higher or if it suddenly turned really cold and dry in the air. I do not get full fledge episodes anymore but I do still get "signs" that one might come on, usually when I'm really wore out from physical exertion. I hope this helps you. God Bless!

  10. Its crazy how after years metronomemind we know what kinda causes them. And then you think you know and bam you get another one. I, like you do not get them so bad that I pass out or hyperventelate anymore. Thank God! But you do feel like running away when you get them. Although I don't think I could run in place and you feel like your hearts going to explode anyway. lol. They always told me to try to slow down my heart rate??? Whatever works for us I guess. I wouldn't wish one on my worst enemy. Thanks for your comment lets stay intouch. God Bless!


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